Fini Diak, the brand of local agricultural products created and promoted by IMVF, was present at the 1st Rural Business and Tourism Fair of Liquiçá, an event that took place the last weekend.
The initiative, with the goal to improve the economy of that East Timor District, was attended by several different business groups – from handcraft to marketing of agricultural products, from sewing to construction.
Fini Diak, the brand of agricultural products of the project “Streamlining Local Markets and Trading in Liquiçá”, was present at this unprecedented event, through two stands: one dedicated to the Processing and Marketing Unit and the one to the local farmers Shop, “Agrikultura”. The team took advantage of the event for the direct sale and promotion of the brand since it involved not only tourists and bystanders but also leaders of NGOs and programmes related to agriculture.
This brand, which guarantees the quality of products and services provided by its Business Units, is based on a triple structure: support to small local farmers, namely through the store “Agrikultura” – which sells seeds and agricultural equipment – and technical support and access to credit for purchasing products from the store; and transformation and marketing of products, concluded in the Unit itself, from simple packaging and products labelling to the drying of fruits and production of aimanas (chilli). All products are then available for private customers and for supermarkets and restaurants as Pateo, Timor Hotel and the Portuguese School.
The fair was highly attended and had the presence of some distinguished persons, such as the President of the Republic of East Timor.
The Project “Streamlining of Local Markets and Trading in Liquiçá” is executed by IMVF in partnership with the Cluster Mos Bele and ETADEP Foundation and is funded by the Portuguese Institute for Development Support.