How can Development NGOs adapt marketing tools to global citizenship? How to be creative while keeping the integrity of the message? Promoted by IMVF and facilitated by advertising agency FUEL, the 2nd Training Session of the Project “Active Urban Youth: MDGs Lifestyles” addressed these issues.
In a world of interdependences we would expect that the fight against poverty, for gender equality, sustainable consumption, fair trade, universal quality and affordable education for all, among other themes of global citizenship, were discussed and recognised in all sectors of society.
With a solid activity in the promotion and awareness raising of development issues, the departments of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship of Portuguese Development NGOs to raise awareness amongst civil society on a daily basis, so that all are able to recognise and interpret the global interdependencies and take their role as agents of change in a society that should be fairer and more inclusive. Thinking on the challenges and difficulties that third sector organisations face in the field of communication, IMVF on the 24th of January promoted training on “Communication Strategy” in partnership with FUEL advertising agency, at Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language.
With recognised expertise in the market, FUEL stressed the importance of setting clear objectives in corporate communication, because it is very important that they there is coherence between the values of the organisation and the message conveyed. From theory to practice, the Development NGOs’ technicians could also learn how to make a creative brief, seeking to incorporate the lessons learned. The valuing of projects through low cost communication was also on the table, an important and useful topic, given the current economic and social situation.
Because small daily gestures can make all the difference, the watchword is to change behaviours and perceptions. Learning to communicate better is the key to ensure that the changes we seek are indeed understood by our recipients. We must be clear, direct and concise.
In order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, the project “Active Urban Youth: MDGs & Lifestyles”, promoted by IMVF, co-financed by the European Commission and supported by Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language, has as goal to approach a specific sector of Portuguese society that so far have not identified as a priority by NGOs: Active Urban Youth, aged between 25 and 35 years, professionally inserted active in administration, as chiefs of staff, managers, professors and creative agents, motivating them to adopt a more socially just, environmentally sustainable and economically viable lifestyle through the dissemination, promotion and mobilisation to achieve the MDGs.
Learn how to adopt a new lifestyle for a Better Connected World.