The inclusion of calculators is not a unanimous theme among mathematics’ educators; however countries that have experienced such practices had excellent results.

Nevertheless, shortages of materials and lack of training of teachers is a problem that requires resolution. To do so a training plan was structured for the current school year in Sao Tome and Principe, where the target audience is about 30 teachers of Mathematics and Physics of the secondary education level. In Sao Tome this training took place for the first time in last October, with three working sessions, with the final results being very satisfactory. Also on the island of Principe, 8 mathematics’ teachers already established initial contacts with these resources and were accompanied by a trainer on a weekly basis.

The aim of the project was that, by the end of the year, the teachers in training had acquired sufficient technical and pedagogical  knowledge  to suggest strategies in the classroom, as well as exploration tasks integrated to be integrated into the curriculum of the discipline, that include the use of this technology.

Looking at what happened in other countries and doing the necessary work in teacher training, in the near future, the inclusion of this technology in schools will contribute to improve the quality of teaching and learning Mathematics and Physics in Sao Tome and Principe. At least that is the main objective of the School + project.

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