The new school year in Sao Tome and Principe starts with a new stage for secondary education: the consolidation of the new revised curriculum, able to adapt the education system to the real needs of the country. The introduction of the 12th grade and strengthening of vocational education are some of the changes under way that will take place in full during the school year of 2012/2013.

The lack of preparation and lack of human resources for the development needs of the country have been the main factors that have influenced the development of Sao Tome and Principe. In this sense, the School+ project has been focusing not just on access to education but also enhancing the quality of secondary education looking to promote partnerships and build capacity by training local human resources, thus creating a sustainable education system, more adapted to reality .

Half way through, the results speak for themselves: through the curriculum revision introduced by the “School +” project, the secondary education which ended at the 11th grade and had only a general education componentuntil now just for the 1st and 2nd cycle of general education, and ending on the 11th year, to be has been  extended to a 12th year, and to provide more diverse training and learning for all students through two pathways: a general education and vocational education pathway (1st cycle secondary education) and a professionally qualifying pathway (2nd cycle of secondary education).

New workshops and new indoor sports centerscentres, expected to open in October, this year will strengthen the practical component of the disciplines of Sports and Visual Education, Arts Classes and Workshops.

As for the 2nd cycle, 4 professionally qualifying courses for students already are already available for in Management and Administration / Accounting, InformaticsComputer Sciences, Industrial Technologies and Sports, with a new course in Tourism and Communication being launched this year a new.

The creation of professional qualifying courses allows for an improvement in the training of students, covering the areas of training related to the economic fabric of the country, minimizing the number of young Sao Tomeéans that are currently launched in their active livfes without qualifications that guarantees access to work .

In addition to these changes this year, are updating the curricula curricula of several classes are being updated of various disciplines as well as and the availability of books to support teaching, for students.

Furthermore, there is a participatory approach that involves Sao Toméean teachers. One of the keys aspects of formation training projects is foris the ability to have Portuguese peers to reinforce São Toméan the teachers’ skills of Sao Tome teachers, and to n increase increasing their levels of confidence and motivation and also to facilitattinge their career advancement.

Results of the first month of School + implementation:

To bear in mind:

– The National High School – including the Library and ICT IT&C rooms – were rehabilitated – and several other secondary schools which also received a variety of equipment and school supplies;

– Support and training was provided to Sao Toméane teacher by Portuguese Cooperation teachers, thus reinforcing the strategy of recovery and strengthening of local skills in order to increase the levels of confidence and motivation, especially providing easy access to materials and career advancement; also created was the Centre for Training and Resources “Ke Mese”;

– Autonomy was given to schools through training provided in school management and administration;

In addition to the monitoring bodies of local administration and organization of services and administrative procedures, support was provided to the creation of simple mechanisms of school management such as the student pedagogical backgroundboard;

This is an initiative of the Portuguese Cooperation, performed by IMVF in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Culture of Sao Tome and Principe.

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