The SIC’s feature reportage “Sao Tome’s Physicians” concerning the work developed by Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr in the Health, Education and Food Security sectors in Sao Tome and Principe was awarded an honorable mention in the category of audiovisual media within the UNESCO’s Human Rights and Integration Journalism Prize.
Carried out by the journalists Dulce Salzedas, Rafael Homem, Ricardo Tenreiro and Carla Gonçalves the reportage was aired by SIC, on prime time, on December 18th 2013, with an audience of 1.150.000 viewers.
The reportage highlighted the Health for All program which has contributed, in the last 25 years, to a more equal access to healthcare and to a significant improvement of health indicators in the country. An innovative program, recognized has of public interest by the Ministry of Health in Portugal and the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs in Sao Tome and Principe and considered a best practice for Sustainable Development by the United Nations. The reportage also emphasized the Escola + Education project (promoting the improvement of secondary education in the country) and also the Decentralised Food Security Project (contributing to the food and nutritional security of the population in Sao Tome and Principe).
The Human Rights and Integration Journalism Prize is annually awarded by the Office for Media and by the UNESCO’s National Commission and addresses the best journalistic work on human rights and integration, published or broadcast in the Portuguese media.
* SIC is a Portuguese private TV channel.