The end of 2015 was marked by the launch of the diagnostic workshops under the project UE-ACTIVA – Communitarian Integrated Territorial Actions of Agricultural Valorisation – Axis 1: Territorial Governance, in Guinea-Bissau. The first seminar was meant to Guinea Civil Society Organization and took place in 25th November 2015, in Bafatá region.

During 3 weeks there were 9 workshops that took place in the regions of Bafatá, Quinara and Tombali. These workshops were meant to Guinea Civil Society Organizations Private Sector and Cooperatives, and Guinean State Actors. 114 people participated in these seminars, among them the administrators of Bafatá and Quinara and the responsible for the NGOs Platform of Bafatá, Bubacar Djaló.

These seminars were important data collections tools, in order to support the elaboration of the Regional Agricultural Development Plans that will be done in the scope of this project. Hence, these seminars hadthe purpose of brainstorming about the agricultural situation in this three regions; current and upcoming projects, infrastructures and services of support to agriculture; and the relations between the main actors in the sector.

The diagnostic workshops were organized through the focal points of the Guinea-Bissau Food and Nutritional Security Sovereignty Network  (GB-FNSS), partner of the project UE-ACTIVA, funded by the European Union, Regional Agriculture Directorate, in the respective regions, and also by DIVUTEC, ASD (Association for the Sustainable Development in representation of ENAPROMA) and SSPP (Structure to Support the Popular Production). The workshops were streamlined by the project’s team in the field.

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