The trainer’s manual “Global How?“ is the result of the European project “Facilitating Global Learning – Key Competences of Members from European CSOs”, which is carried out in Germany, Portugal and Romania in response to the evident need for quality training for Global Learning facilitators working in the context of Civil Society Organisations.

The manual aims at supporting trainers in making people fit for facilitating Global Learning processes in various contexts. Quite in the spirit of Global Learning it refrains from presenting ready-made recipes and instead provides spaces for exploring different aspects of Global Learning trainings, leaving it to the user to develop their own context-specific training conceptions. The title “Global How?” relates to a baseline study entitled “Global What? A Study on Facts and Needs of Global Learning in Germany, Portugal and Romania”, which was conducted at an earlier stage of the project. The manual is strongly based on the project partners’ expertise in training facilitators as well as their experience from conducting test training courses in three different European countries.

Project partners of “Facilitating Global Learning“ in Germany, Portugal and Romania are Dachverband Entwicklungspolitik Baden-Württemberg – DEAB, Entwicklungspädagogisches Informationszentrum im Arbeitskreis Eine Welt Reutlingen – EPiZ Reutlingen, forum for international development + planning – finep, Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr – IMVF, Acção e Integração para o Desenvolvimento Global – AIDGLOBAL and Asociatia de Asistenta si Programe pentru Dezvoltare Durabila – APSD-Agenda 21.

This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union, in Germany of the Ministry of State Baden-Württemberg and in Portugal of the Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funding institutions.

See: Global How? Facilitating Global Learning

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