Esta imagem tem um texto alternativo em branco, o nome da imagem é webinar-afeganistao.png

Why did the Afghan military collapse and disband after the withdrawal of most of the foreign troops, despite its superiority in armament and personnel? What short-term scenarios can be envisaged for the Taliban governance and for the future of women and all those who worked for the previous regime and foreign allies or agencies? What has been and might be the role of external actors, namely China and Pakistan?

These are some of the issues that will be debated in the webinar, moderated by Teresa Almeida Cravo, head of the International Relations Unit of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, with Barnett Rubin, a well known and respected US expert on Afghanistan, Ayscha Hamdani, an Afghan advocate for the rights of women and children and former Chief of Staff to the EU Special Representative to Afghanistan, Carlos Branco, a retired Portuguese General who served in NATO in Afghanistan and Pedro Caldeira Rodrigues, a Portuguese journalist with a large experience on violent conflict scenarios in the region.  

The talk will be in English on Club of Lisbon’s Youtube channel and Facebook page as well as the Faculty of Economy of the University of Coimbra’s Facebook page.

This webinar is co-organised by the Club of Lisbon and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, with the usual support of the IMVF and Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.

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