The International Conference Paving The Way To The Pact of The Future, on 17 and 18 June in Lisbon, will discuss how to accelerate and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and the UN SDSN Sustainable Development Report 2024 will be launched.

EDUCATION models, measures beyond GDP, the role of YOUNG PEOPLE and MULTILATERALISM are the main topics up for debate. World-renowned experts such as Jeffrey Sachs, President of SDSN, Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner, Maria João Rodrigues, President of FEPS, Massamba Thioye, Director of the UN Climate Change Innovation Hub and David Donoghue, former Irish Ambassador to the UN and negotiator of the Irish Peace Process, are some of the speakers already confirmed to take part in the first conference organized by SDSN Portugal, in collaboration with a UN SDSN Global.

Save the date now and join us on 17 and 18 June 2024.

More information and registration coming soon.

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