Challenges for Global Citizenship: Migrations as a pillar to build fairer, peaceful, tolerant and more inclusive societies


Having as its intervention sector the Education for Global Citizenship, with particular relevance to migration related themes in the context of the 2030 Development Agenda, this project focuses on:

i) the qualification of young university students regarding migration related topics in the context of the 2030 Development Agenda and, consequently, in the effective participation of the beneficiaries in the construction of a fairer more peaceful, tolerant and inclusive society;

ii) in informing and raising awareness of young university students, who may not have had the opportunity to integrate the training programme, in topics regarding education for development and global citizenship ; and

iii) in guaranteeing the replication of the developed actions.



Overall: contributing to young university students’ critical reflection, while aspiring for the exercise of global citizenship and the participation in the construction of more peaceful, worthy and sustainable societies.

Specific: promoting young university students’ skills regarding migration topics in the context of the 2030 Development Agenda


Direct: University students and professors

Indirect: NGOs and universities evolved in the dissemination phase and participants of the final conference




This project wishes to:

  • Develop a training programme in Education for Development and Global Citizenship with a focus on migrations, as a model for Universities interested in approaching the themes of glocal interconnexions in their curriculum and activities;
  • Increase the knowledge of at least 300 young university students about the topics of Education for Development and Global Citizenship and to mobilize 30 young people for the promotion of social justice;
  • Elaborate a benchmark on training-action with the contribution of 30 young university students and disseminate it as a tool for training and raising awareness for the promotion of social justice within Civil Society Organizations and Higher Education Institutions;
  • Promote migration issues as a cornerstone for the sustainable development process among 100 members of civil society organizations.



  • Associação Renovar a Mouraria (promoting organization) 
  • Par – Respostas Sociais