HUMAN – Development and new global challenges

Knowing in order to act in favour of social justice and the fight against global warming

It is undeniable that the digital transformation has opened up new online spaces at a global level and is now having major impacts on all sectors of society. These effects have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has migrated a large part of our lives online. While on the one hand we have seen the emergence of new opportunities to boost international cooperation and solidarity and mobilise civil society actors, the digital transformation brings with it a series of challenges that can pose risks to spaces for citizenship and civic action.

New digital content and platforms can be a differentiating element in the dynamics of Education for Development and Global Citizenship (EDCG), as they have increased potential for mobilisation, outreach and multiplying results. To do this, it is necessary to organise innovative training and capacity-building for young people, so that they take ownership of the principles and values of EDCG and apply them in their day-to-day lives to provide increasingly valid and sustainable responses to current economic, social, environmental and political challenges.


The HUMAN project will promote, disseminate and consolidate the EDCG as a pillar of social justice and support the fight against climate change.

Using innovative action that combines knowledge – awareness – mobilisation, we will contribute to raising awareness and mobilising 17,000 young people between the ages of 18 and 35. In a second phase, by training around 8,500 young people to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) so that they can then become mobilising agents in their communities.


We’re going to create a digital platform where 17 Global Citizenship courses will be available, inspired by the Human-Centred Designmethodology . A platform geared towards critical reflection and individual and collective transformation.

Explore the Don’t Skip Humanity platform to find out more about the free workshops.


Starting in October 2022 and running for 24 months, we will combine online knowledge actions with the transformation of offline communities. Our digital academy will provide access to 17 EDCG courses to ensure ‘Your Voice. Your Action’!

The digital academy, consisting of a digital platform and a mobile app, will offer a set of 17 online courses with the aim of training and empowering 17,000 young people in EDCG, for critical reflection on social justice and the fight against climate change. Challenges and activities will also be launched to help involve a further 8,500 young people in the field of EDCG.

And because we believe we can’t leave anyone behind, we’ll be organising activities to promote the SDGs. We recognise that young people are fundamental to innovation in the development process, which is why it’s crucial that they can propose and take part in citizenship actions related to the SDGs, so that we can provide valid responses to global challenges.


Moving from the virtual dimension (online community), in this case the Platform, to the offline, using a strategy that combines storytelling, knowledge, solutions and a call to action, we will ensure that young people who graduate from EDCG courses join thematic youth communities with different focuses for action, but always interconnected with issues of social justice, taking with them the structural bases, values and attitudes of EDCG.


Through participatory methodologies and approaches, which will enhance the voice and actions of young people, we will reinforce the need to adopt new lifestyles. More than words, we will have action orientated towards social justice and climate justice.

We will prioritise participatory, experiential and collaborative methodologies to value the knowledge and experiences of the participants, involving them in the discussion, identification and search for solutions to problems that emerge from their daily lives.

In contact with young people, multimedia tools and digital platforms will be favoured and methodologies suitable for training this target group will be used. The choice of information content for the online courses and related activities will benefit from the contribution of the partners and their experience in promoting sustainable behaviour and attitudes.