Spain (Barcelona), France (Paris) and Portugal (Lisbon)

The European project MEMEX aims to develop artificial intelligence and augmented reality technologies capable of supporting the inclusion of people at risk of marginalisation, in a mobile application record (APP). This technology will enable vulnerable communities to tell their life stories, disseminating images, videos, maps and different cultural heritages and strengthening ties with the territories in which they are located. The IMVF joins this project as an associated entity of the social sector.

Visit the project website here..




Promote social cohesion through collaborative tools dedicated to heritage, empowering the recovery of fragmented memories and experiences into geolocalised stories. The MEMEX APP will allow communities at risk of exclusion to tell their stories, and claim their right to participate in European societies.




Migrant women in Barcelona, migrants from former Portuguese colonies in Lisbon, inhabitants of the 19th district of Paris and vulnerable communities and/or at risk of exclusion.



  • Preparation of a cultural and social diagnosis;
  • Mapping of cultural legacy and heritage;
  • Control and evaluation of the project;
  • Holding cultural workshops;
  • Public presentation of the methodology results in an exhibition.