“tODxS” for Global Citizenship and Development Education

From poverty and inequalities to the environment and climate action, from security/peace and democracy to human rights, from education to gender equality, from health to sustainable production and consumption, there are many global development challenges. More than ever, global challenges and asymmetries are asking us about our role as citizens and how we can contribute to Global Development in a conscious, informed and committed way.

It is in this sense that the ‘tODxS’ campaign for Global Citizenship and Development Education seeks to make its contribution to raising awareness and joint intervention by society around Global Development at a local and global level.

Through Education for Development and Global Citizenship we contribute actively, critically and consciously to a fairer, more equitable, inclusive and sustainable world.

Follow the tODxS Campaign on Instagram


Starting in September 2023 and lasting 24 months, we will be running a nationwide awareness and mobilisation campaign focused on 8 key areas:

  1. Poverty and inequalities
  2. Security, peace and democracy
  3. Human rights
  4. Environment and climate action
  5. Education as a factor in social transformation
  6. Gender equality and women’s empowerment
  7. Sustainable production and consumption
  8. Health and well-being

Taking as our starting point the fact that, in Portugal, there is still a long way to go in terms of communicating and making citizens aware of global citizenship, proactive and in favour of the causes of equitable and sustainable development. We have taken on the challenge of contributing to ‘strengthening communication with citizens, using stories from a positive perspective and valuing populations’, in order to ‘create spaces for widespread dissemination and debate’.


The activities will be organised along the lines of Awareness Raising and Mobilisation, ensuring that citizens throughout the country are made aware of and mobilised to adopt a socially just, economically viable and environmentally sustainable lifestyle.

Debates, exhibitions, documentaries, training sessions… there are countless activities that we will promote, in partnership, using participatory, dynamic strategies and methodologies geared towards change and mobilisation.


Create spaces and moments for citizens to develop and contribute their potential as a way of influencing transformative decisions for society and the planet through appealing tools and technologies on the importance of Global Citizenship and Development Education.

A musical playlist to inspire action for the SDGs: