Balal Gainako – Project for Livestock Production Streamlining in the Sectors of Pitche and Gabu

Guinea Bissau

The action will allow cattle ranchers in the areas of intervention of the project to benefit from the increase in number and regularity of the livestock products and also acess to a longer period for consumption, access and appropriate utilization.






To contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction in the region of Gabu, through the streamiling of the familiar livestock sector; 

Specific: To increase productivity of the livestock production systems, with particular emphasis on food and health management of cattle, small ruminants and poultry.










Direct:: GAARE BATODEN Association (composed of 300 cattle farmers belonging to the most vulnerable community sectors of Gabu and Pitche);

Indirect: Population of the Region of Gabu (9 150 km ²), estimated at 203 629 inhabitants. 






Study on the needs and prioritisation of family-based production systems in the sectors of Gabu and Pitche, conducted and published in partnership with DGP and other local actors through workshops.

Carrying out workshops with DGP and other local actors to identify the needs and define the priorities of the Pitche and Gabu sectors;
Writing and publishing a general study on the family-based livestock production sector – animal production systems;
Discussion/validation of the animal husbandry (in particularly sanitary/health).
The association GAARE BATODEN streamlined and strengthened institutionally in the areas of organisational and operational management, as well as the level of infrastructure to support livestock, ensuring services to the stakeholders in the areas of health and food management (including access to water – shepherds’ holes ) as well as more control in terms of preventing cattle theft.
Training sessions on non-for-profit management and political aspects; administrative and financial capacity building; organizational skills – strategic vision and effectiveness of intervention and optimization of resources.
Creating livestock production support infrastructures;
Identification and branding of cattle.
Application of DGP directives in terms of health management, feeding and breeding, strengthened with the development of pilot projects.
Implementation of the sanitary/health animal husbandry directives (prevention, control, treatment);
Implementation of the feeding animal husbandry directives (improvement of pastures, development of a nursery with forage species, access to water points, etc);
Implementation of the reproductive animal husbandry directives (rearrangement of the effective animal livestock with a selection of the breeders and genetic improvement of breeders on an experimental level and in small scale with the DGP). 
Experimental unit of handmade processing  / milk pasteurization in places promoting the marketing of milk through better packaging and transportation (stainless steel containers)
Setting up the experimental handmade processing unit for milk packaging; 
Supporting the initiatives to sell milk at local markets.




DIVUTEC – Association of Study and Dissemination of Appropriate Technology