
From knowledge to mobilisation

Today we already know that development needs citizens who are active in the pursuit of a fairer and more sustainable world. It is in this process of fairer and more dignified development that the Education for Development and Global Citizenship (EDCG) is positioned: in ensuring access to transformative knowledge capable of promoting sustainable development, human rights, peace and appreciation of cultural diversity.

If we are truly committed to an active and participatory citizenship for development, we must strengthen synergies between Non-Governmental Organisations for Development, and ensure that their actions, as well as those of other development actors, in favor of social justice and common good, are perceived and understood by citizens. More than ever, it is crucial to strengthen the EDCG: in an increasingly polarized world affected by environmental, social and political crises where extremism is gaining more and more ground, threatening the peace and prosperity of our societies, we believe that Education for Development and Global Citizenship is fundamental to make the vision of a just and sustainable world a reality, with dignity and social justice for all people everywhere. (Narrative of EDCG, Portuguese NGDO Platform).


The ED Communicate – from Knowledge to Mobilization project is the result of the collaborative effort of 8 NGDOs from the EDCG Working Group of the Portuguese NGDO Platform that over the years have been working in the field of EDCG in its various aspects, sharing their experiences with the Group, creating synergies and collaborative dynamics that have enriched the debate on EDCG in Portugal. Together we will seek to increase the visibility, knowledge and recognition of Development Education and Global Citizenship at national level, creating spaces for affirmation and appropriation by other development actors..


Starting in November 2021 and lasting 24 months, we will develop activities that allow us to strengthen knowledge on the key themes of the EDCG, such as Development; Interdependencies and Globalization; Poverty and Inequalities; Social Justice; Global Citizenship; Peace and ensure the dissemination of these contents in an assertive, broad and innovative way.


The project relies on participatory, consultive and learning-friendly methodologies at all stages to meet the objectives of the EDCG itself: to empower people to become more active and responsible citizens. Only in this way will it be possible to provide the skills, knowledge and capacities for the individual to become a self-determined actor and not just an object of global interdependencies. Through its methodologies, the EDCG enables target groups to develop knowledge and skills relevant for change, which requires dynamism and creativity.


At a time when the development sector is aligned with the pursuit of the SDGs, it is necessary that the mobilisation of civil society organisations and public entities promotes critical reflection on the development process and that they are able to mobilise their audiences on issues of social justice. By working on the key themes of the EDCG and ensuring a common level of understanding through a robust communication strategy, we will contribute to fostering informed, responsible and committed attitudes and behaviours towards a more just and sustainable world.