Etikapun n’ha – Urok, Resilience Lab of the Bijagó Culture
Overall: contribute to preserve the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Bijagós archipelago; and to contribute to build sustainable development models based on community participation and on the enhancement of culture and natural resources.
Specific: reinforce the experience of the Urok islands as a resilience lab for the Bijagó culture, as an instrument for socioeconomic development and for the connection between the communities and their natural environment.
Direct: 100 women and 150 young people engaged in creative and cultural activities; 350 students and 15 teachers from community schools covered by socio-cultural activities and by the cultural and environmental education programme; 100 local producers will benefit from actions to support entrepreneurship, and grouped in production and processing units; 134 members of the management structure of Urok Community-based Marine Protected Area (CMPA), which include “Tabanka” Committees, Assemblies of the island, the Urok General Assembly, the Council of Elders and the Urok Management Committee.
Indirect: local administrative authorities and regional authorities from Bolama-Bijagós, who will be engaged in the participatory management process; and the population of Urok and the archipelago, specially young people.
- Tiniguena – Esta Terra é Nossa!
- 55 months: June 2016 to December 2020
- European Union and Camões, I.P.