EU-ACTIVA – Integrated Territorial Community Actions for Agricultural Improvement – Axis 1: Territorial Governance
Guinea-Bissau: Bafatá, Tombali and Quinara regions
Overall: contribute to improve the social and economic conditions of Guinea-Bissau population, in particular in the regions of Bafatá, Quinara and Tombali.
Specific: promote the improvement of the territorial governance in the regions of Bafatá, Quinara and Tombali.
Specific: promote the improvement of the territorial governance in the regions of Bafatá, Quinara and Tombali.
Direct: producers’ organisations and other key actors of the value chains and dynamic strategic commercial circuits; communities and/or organisations of producers benefiting from the renovated and/or built facilities and empowered for their sustainable management; civil society organisations (CSOs) from the target regions that will benefit from mentoring for the elaboration of projects; CSOs benefiting from technical and financial support to the partial implementation of Regional Agricultural Development Plans (PDAR, in Portuguese); CSO members of RESSAN-GB (Civil Society Network for Food and Nutritional Sovereignty in Guinea-Bissau).
Indirect: the population of the target regions (352.750 residents), particularly women and young people, key players in the regional agricultural sector engaged in the participatory process of drafting the PDAR (public and private).
- 48 months: July 2015 to June 2019
- European Union