Ilhas e Encantamentos

Strengthening children’s and young adult’s literature sector and employment in the cultural sector

Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe

The project “Ilhas e Encantamentos” integrates 4 Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP) with common potentialities and constraints: Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe. These places have a privileged status, granted by UNESCO, either through their classification as World Heritage – Mozambique Island and Cidade Velha (Santiago Island) – or through their status as World Biosphere Reserve – Maio Island, Bijagós Archipelago and Príncipe Island (the latter inextricably linked to São Tomé Island). In common, they have a wide range of natural and cultural potentialities and singularities, a unique local material, immaterial and natural heritage, permeated by a set of stories linked to knowledge and know-how and traces of cultural identity.

However, the situation of insularity generates constraints in physical and social accessibility, as well as limiting and increasing the cost of access to products and services (namely books and other didactic and recreational materials for children and youths) and opportunities to generate income, as is the case of families/women and the younger population who leave their communities in search of better living conditions.

Visit the project website at and find out more about their activities and news. 


Overall: contribute to the creation of sustainable jobs through the production, publication, and dissemination/marketing of literature for children and youth.

Specific: mobilise the creative and educational power of heritage, in diverse and appealing children’s and young adult literature, in a dynamic of South-South cooperation.



Direct: around 45,643 schoolchildren and young people; 756 young adults; 1,576 teachers; 490 craftsmen.

Indirect: stakeholders in the cultural sector as a whole; school communities covered by the project activities; the inhabitants of the target territories, around 307,968.



Production of children’s and youth literature accessible to isolated communities and international dissemination through a digital platform.

  • Creation of its own editorial line, responsible for the production of Children’s and young adult literature, which mirrors the activity of the project;
  • Production of 3 titles by each of the territories involved (in ebook and printed format);
  • Production of a digital platform for disseminating content, using innovative techniques built in creative formats for paper and digital content;
  • Production of 1 pedagogical kit with pedagogical and didactic objectives on heritage education;
  • Production of local crafts to support the construction and presentation of literary content (puppets, cloths, music, theatre and publishing) and support for the national and international dissemination of children’s and young adult literature.

Training and capacity building for young people and other sectors of society in new creative and heritage work options.

  • Organisation of training/workshops aimed at the production of content for children’s and youth literature: digital technologies for production and dissemination, illustration/creative writing/orality, heritage education.
  • Setting up, in each of the territories covered, a “House of Stories”/Local Arts Hub: an inter-sectoral and regional meeting place for sharing experiences.