“The European Union is made by its citizens for its citizens!” These are the words that mark the Europe for Citizens Programme. It is in the framework of co-responsibility towards the process of democratic encouragement and civic participation of citizens of the European Union in defining those that are our common values and policies that we must act.
We know that nowadays Europe is facing great challenges for the incoming days, months and years. With necessary policies and decisions that range from health to education, employment to sustainability, food to poverty eradication, it is now more important than ever that citizens participate in the debates and help conceive policies.
In the following 18 months, through the TAS – Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis – Migration Labs project, we will contribute to the promotion of European citizenship and improve the conditions to exercise civic and democratic participation in the European Union, developing mechanisms for a better understanding of the migration policy making process of the European Union, by its citizens and creating specific opportunities for social, intercultural and volunteer participation.
From March 2020 to 31 august 2021 , several WorkLabs, debates and roundtables will allow an analysis of narratives, misconceptions and stereotypes associated with migrants and refugees, xenophobic and hate speech and anti-immigration propaganda. The activities will be held in Romania, Portugal, Belgium, Italy and Serbia and have their purpose in positively impacting the EU Agenda on migration and integration, directed at young beneficiaries and the general population, in a cross border dimension, establishing direct and indirect contact with influential stakeholders on the European Union’s policies, in particular migration.
If you are between 18 to 30 years old and want to know more about this project and how to participate in the activities send us an email with your information. The email must be sent to info@imvf.org referencing as subject “TAS – MigLabs”.
The Project TAS – Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis – Migration Labs falls within the scope of the Europe for Citizens Programme (regarding the commitment to civic and democratic participation) and has as partners Asociatia Centrul European pentru Integrare Socioprofesionala (Romania), Vocal Europe (Belgium), Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti (Italy) and Terraforming South (Serbia). It will rely on the participation of the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) in volunteering activities.
Learn more about the project TAS – Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis – Migration Labs