The legal brief “Due Diligence in Human Rights and the Environment” aims to explain what due diligence in human rights and the environment means and to outline current legislative developments on the subject, both at national and European level. The legal brief was elaborated by researchers from NOVA Knowledge Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment (NOVA BHRE), in the scope of the pan-European campaign Our Food. Our Future, implemented in Portugal by IMVF.
What is human rights and environmental due diligence anyway?
The concept of human rights due diligence was originally introduced in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In recent years it has gained momentum because a growing number of stakeholders have been calling for new binding regulation on the subject.
You can read the legal brief: Human rights and environment due diligence here.
The OurFood. OurFuture campaign is funded by the European Union through the DEAR Programme (Development Education and Awareness raising Programme) and co-financed by Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P. The main goal of this campaign is for European youth to commit to European development policies that contribute to the mitigation of the global challenges of migration and climate change and to the sustainable production and consumption of food, reinforcing the promotion of the fundamental European values of human rights and solidarity, as well as the ability to analyse the interdependent relationships that are established at a glocal level.