Health for All

Strengthening the National Health Service of Sao Tome and Principe (Specialities and Telemedicine)

Sao Tome and Principe

To support the Sao Tomean National Health Service in responding to existing and emerging needs in the health sector, the Health for All – Strengthening the National Health Service of Sao Tome and Principe (Specialities and Telemedicine) project reinforces and gives continuity to the intervention of the Health for All – Towards Sustainability project in the areas of specialised care provision and telemedicine.

The project will focus on improving and strengthening the provision of specialised care through medical missions and telemedicine. In this context, improvements in terms of equipment and infrastructure to meet the current needs of the sector are also planned. The focus will also be maintained on improving the capacities of national health providers through the continuation of in-service and distance training, as well as long-term specialized training interspersed between Portugal and Sao Tome and Principe, thus increasingly investing in the greater autonomy of the Sao Tomean National Health Service.



Overall: contribute towards strengthening and improving the response capacity of the National Health Service of Sao Tome and Principe.

Specific: promote the availability of sustainable and quality specialised healthcare and telemedicine.




  • Approximately 1,282 health providers (doctors and nurses) from the National Health Service of Sao Tome and Principe are receiving in-service training during specialty missions and through telemedicine;
  • 2 doctors are benefiting from long-term specialised training in Portugal.


  • The entire population of Sao Tome e Principe, approximately 215,056 inhabitants as users of the National Health Service.



  • Improvement and reinforcement of specialised care and telemedicine.
    • Reinforcement and extension of the Telemedicine network (Portugal – Sao Tome and Principe);
    • Continuation of short-term missions of medical specialists to Sao Tome and Principe;
    • Implementation of technical assistance and hospital management and administration missions;
    • Rehabilitation and adaptation of medical-hospital infrastructures;
    • Acquisition of materials, equipments and consumables for the provision of specialised care.
  • Capacity building of National Health Service providers for greater autonomy in the provision of specialised care and health information management.
    • In-service and distance training of national health providers;
    • Implementation of long-term specialised training courses interspersed between Portugal and Sao Tome and Principe.