PIMI II – Integrated Programme for The Reduction of Maternal and Child Mortality: Strenghtening the Availability and Quality of Maternal and Child Healthcare


Guinea-Bissau has particularly worrying indicators of maternal and child health. Although the health of the mother and the child has received special attention from the Government and its main development partners, reproductive health support programmes are slow to produce their effects. In this context, given the main difficulties of the health system in Guinea-Bissau in terms of maternal and child care, the European Union has designed the Integrated Programme for the Reduction of Maternal and Child Mortality (PIMI). Initially implemented in the Health Regions of Cacheu, Biombo, Oio and Farim from July 2013 to November 2016 – and taking into account the encouraging results achieved – the PIMI is now extended to all health regions of Guinea-Bissau.

This programme is fully aligned with the priorities of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper II (DENARP II). It is also framed within the objectives and axes of intervention of the Operational Plan for Transition to the National Scale of High Impact Interventions regarding the reduction of maternal and infant mortality in Guinea-Bissau (POPEN). Accordingly, the intervention is structured in 3 care packages, provided in an integrated manner to women and children, before and during high risk periods such as pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period and early childhood (up to 5 years) – Essential Family Practices (PFE), Minimum Care Package (PM) and Complementary Care Package (PC) – through fixed, advanced and mobile strategies.


Contribute to the reduction of maternal, neonatal and child mortality and ensure a better access to quality healthcare for pregnant women and women who have recently given birth (up to 45 days after childbirth) and children up to five years old in Guinea-Bissau.


Direct: more than 320 thousand children under 5 years of age, more than 400 women of reproductive age and 1.200 health professionals from 132 health facilities in Guinea-Bissau.

Indirect: the entire population of Guinea-Bissau (1.881.005 residents).



• Provide and distribute medicine as well as medical and clinical stocks.

• Ensure mother-infant care in health centres and regional hospitals.

• Train Health professionals.

• Rehabilitate and equip Health Units.

• Improve the management and coordination of Health services.



09/05/2020 |  The IMVF and Europe Day

13/03/2020 |  PIMI II receives 4th Technical Assistance Mission

21/02/2020 |  PIMI II – Portrait of a day at Gabu Regional Hospital in Guinea-Bissau

14/09/2019 |  PIMI II: A snapshot of a day at the Canchungo Regional Hospital in Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau