In the 3rd WorkLab of the TAS project TAS – Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis – Migration Labs, which will take place on November 16, between 5 pm and 7 pm, through the Zoom platform, new narratives about migrations will be presented.
The analysis of new narratives is important, in the face of current speeches, in order to deconstruct spurious conceptions and work from a basis of the reality of facts, figures and testimonies.
Several of the existing myths about migration are deconstructed by the facts. The presentation of examples of new narratives and new stories is also a way of raising awareness about migration, so it is important to know migrants’ narratives. It is equally important to combat false news and hate speech, in order to stop the backtracking of intercultural dialogue and of the experience of diversity.
This WorkLab will be promoted by Ana Paula Costa of Casa do Brasil de Lisboa and Plataforma GENI, and by Ricardo Ribeiro, from Fumaça. We will also be hearing Isabel Santos (Member of the European Parliament) answers to three questions posed by participants in previous WorkLabs.
The WorkLabs address all young people, between the ages of 18 and 30, committed to promoting social justice and motivated towards social, economic, political and environmental transformation. Also invited are all young people who want to take an active role in promoting the values of European citizenship and in improving the conditions for the exercise of civic and democratic participation at European Union level, reiterating the values of solidarity, intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and fighting prejudices against migrants and minorities.
We arrive, thus, at the 3rd of 5 WorkLabs (meetings and debates), which will give us the opportunity to analyse narratives, misconceptions and stereotypes associated to migrants and refugees, as well as xenophobic and discriminatory speeches and anti-immigration propaganda.
Two of the young people who participate in all WorkLabs will be selected to take part in the final event, in Brussels. This selection will be made by a jury and based on the following criteria: understanding the issue (clarity), participation and relevance of the arguments, and the ability to communicate and develop logical reasoning.
Know more about this WorkLab – Antithesis I. And sign up here.