IMVF’s Executive and Project Director, Ahmed Zaky, was a speaker at the online seminar ‘Health Cooperation Dialogues in the CPLP’, organised by the General Secretariat of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, on the theme ‘Challenges in Implementing Digital Health in CPLP Countries’.

In his presentation, Ahmed Zaky discussed the implementation of telemedicine in São Tomé and Príncipe, with the Health for All project, and in Guinea-Bissau, with the New Horizons for Specialised Care and Telemedicine in Guinea-Bissau and EU-PIMI III projects.

Telemedicine in São Tomé and Príncipe was inaugurated in 2011, with the support of Portuguese Cooperation, and since then it has integrated 10 medical specialities and has enabled more than 8,254 consultations to be carried out and more than 206,970 medical examinations to be submitted to the platform.

In Guinea-Bissau, the first telemedicine platform in the country was inaugurated in March 2024, dedicated to the specialities of paediatrics/neonatology and gynaecology-obstetrics, with the support of the European Union, and will be extended in July 2024 to 10 medical specialities, with the support of Portuguese Cooperation.

The Seminars: Health Cooperation Dialogues in the CPLP are ‘a complementary initiative for strengthening health cooperation within the CPLP, with the presentation of themes, framed in the strategic intervention axes of the PECS-CPLP, contributing to its strengthening, through regular meetings, the sharing of knowledge, agendas, experiences and good practices, the identification of common challenges and opportunities for collaboration between Member States.’


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