#ClimateOfChange campaign

End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change

The role that climate change presents in driving present and future trends in migration, along with the legal statute of climate migrants is complex and demands a detailed understanding of the factors underlying migration.

We know today that every year natural disasters are the cause of the displacement of almost 14 million people. As the climate crisis deepens, the number of those displaced due to climate-related factors also rises. It’s predicted that in 2050 more than 143 million people will be environmentally displaced. In fact, the established link between natural phenomena and forcibly displaced populations is staggering. Nonetheless, we are aware of other existing factors that condition these figures, such as poverty, conflict, economic conditions, ecosystem degradation and lack of governance.

The Campaign #ClimateOfChange will, precisely, focus on the existing interconnectedness of themes between these challenges and the development process, as well as our role as development actors.

Visit www.climateofchange.info and learn more about the #ClimateofChange campaign and activities and participate!


The #ClimateOfChange Campaign’s ambitious goal isn’t limited to an improvement in the awareness and understanding of young European citizens on some of Education for Development and Global Citizenship’s most compelling topics, but also their engagement in supporting healthy and sustainable lifestyle patterns and a change towards a human oriented sustainable model economy within our planetary boundaries. 


For 40 months, starting January 2020, we shall establish, in the form of case studies and reports, the theoretical framework for the activities of awareness, mobilization and advocacy. We will include youths in the Campaign, through communication strategies centred around change, debates and knowledge visits.

The #ClimateOfChange Campaign’s website, films, tours, festivals and multiple other events will set the stage for the concerted mobilizing action. The action in advocacy will be held in partnership with the assorted development actors. Only a joint, coordinated and planned action will ensure the social, political, economic and environmental transformation that we wish to see in the world.


In order to ensure information, awareness, engagement and mobilization of EU citizens, and to warrant their responsibility in the sustainable development process, our activities will be organized according to an axis of Knowledge – Awareness – Campaign – Advocacy.

The campaign will be based on dynamic, participatory and impact-oriented strategies and methodologies. Multimedia and social media tools will be favoured. The campaign’s work will be grounded in solid knowledge based research, sustained by a network of partners with vast and important roles in promoting topics of Education for Development and Global Citizenship.


To promote factual comprehension on the existing relationship between climate change and migration, while highlighting the interconnection between global themes and the current model for development, our economic system and our own lifestyle.

In fact, the #ClimateOfChange Campaign’s focus towards issues of climate emergency and migration, and the role that each of us plays in the development process, will simultaneously foster a critical reflection on glocal interconnectedness and a movement towards the adoption of more sustainable lifestyles. A lifestyle able to secure a fairer, more dignified and more sustainable world.

The European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR), supports projects that engage the European Union public in worldwide issues of social, economic and environmental development.


These news articles were produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of IMVF and/or CoC partners, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

11/11/2022 Thank you everyone!

20/06/2022 Manifesto – Climate refugees

22/06/2021 Portuguese Scouts win #ClimateOfChange national debate tournament

18/06/2021 National Debate Tournament Finals “Convey your idea!”

11/03/2021 With forced labour and environmental destruction high on their minds, MEPs have endorsed proposed legislation on corporate due diligence.

04/03/2021 Fair and inclusive climate transition in open letter to the Portuguese Presidency of the European Council

15/02/2021 New policy paper: Development and Climate Change – Impacts and (In)sustainability

03/02/2021 Help hold businesses accountable with just a click before 8 February 2021

06/01/2021 #ClimateofChange has a new video! Are you part of the change?

18/12/2020 #ClimateOfChange campaign’s website is up and running!

18/11/2020 European Climate Migrants Also Exist

06/11/2020 Do you want to contribute to a fairer, more dignified and sustainable world? Join our pool of activists!

04/11/2020 Umundu Lx 2020 Festival promoted urgent debate on sustainable transformation

20/10/2020 The First webinar of the pan-European campaign #ClimateOfChange is about “Climate Change and Migration”

25/09/2020 #ClimateOfChange Consortium urges European Parliament to show greater ambition on climate migration

17/06/2020 International Open Tender for “SERVICE of a Pan-European survey”

27/05/2020 IMVF has joined the Action for Sustainable Development Platform

21/05/2020 #ClimateofChange: Call to Action for High Schools, Universities and Youth Associations in Portugal

09/05/2020 The IMVF and Europe Day

07/04/2020 #ClimateOfChange Campaign kick-off

02/04/2020 Pan-European campaign for a better future: #ClimateOfChange

Our “Mudam-se os Tempos” podcast has 2 episodes in English

Get inspired with our playlist on Spotify!

Music has an important power of social transformation. We want music to be the driver for action and mobilization towards a more decent, fair, inclusive, and sustainable world. Let yourself be inspired and be part of an environmental, social, economic, and political change.


These publications were produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of IMVF and/or CoC partners, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Footer photo: UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe | 25 August 2011 | Malkadiida, Ethiopia

With Famine Crisis Thousands of Somalis Flee to Ethiopia Refugee Camps
A Somali refugee at a camp in Malkadiida, Ethiopia.
Fleeing drought and famine in their home country, thousands of Somalis have taken up residence at refugee camps across the border.

Because IMVF believes in transparency, sharing and ethics, we would like to thank all organisations that might be inspired by our projects as well as the appreciation of the work we do. Therefore, for those organisations that follow our projects, please don’t forget to include the name of the projects promoted by IMVF in the bibliography or source references.